President Dan Shannon called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. In attendance were:
- Dan Shannon, President (Parkway Ct.)
- Willie Spalding, V.P. (Prather Dr.)
- Anne Wright, Secretary (Adele Ct.)
- Shane Wilson, Sign Chairman (Adele Ct.)
- Bryan Lich, IT Guy and Webmaster (Keenan Ave.)
- Gordon Johnson, Treasurer (Snow Dr.)
- Brent Stokes, Past President (Snow Dr.)
Website: There was a question about how to log in to the McGregorIsles.com website – Bryan has added a feature to allow users to log in with their Facebook account. He has also added a new newsfeed to the site.
Dues: Bryan has designed a direct mail piece that will be sent out tomorrow (2/25/16). This is a 2 page Annual Dues Notice; the first page is a summary of where the money goes, the second page is a payment form to be filled out by the property owner with their contact information and mailed to the Association along with payment! Thank you Bryan for your generous gift of paying for this direct mail campaign!
Another suggestion was to put “thank you” signs in the yards of homeowners who have paid their dues as a way to encourage their neighbors to contribute.
The Board agreed to review our dues revenue at the next meeting; we need 30-35% participation within the community just to meet our Association annual costs.
Dues Part 2: Corporate donations were also discussed as a way to increase revenue for the Association. It was suggested that we encourage businesses to donate $500 – $1000 and put that money toward a major project.
One idea was to use corporate donations to build a gazebo or tiki hut on the front lot that could be used for community get-togethers or a place for kids to wait for the bus. We used to have a small shelter for that purpose several years ago. Kenny Erickson and Stewart Safford had worked on getting estimates on a tiki hut at one time, however, the project was put aside due to the cost. Brent Stokes mentioned several possible contractors we might want to check with and perhaps Stokes Marine could help coordinate. Brent and Shane Wilson volunteered to research this further.
Another idea discussed was to post the business name or logo on the McGregor Isles Facebook page to give recognition to businesses who donate. The Board could also send a letter to business owners in the neighborhood to solicit donations.
Prather Planting: The Board discussed designating a neighborhood planting day for the beautification of the ridge along Prather Dr. Board members will work on acquiring plants and/or Volunteers may bring plants. April 9th was chosen as the McGregor Isles Prather Dr. Planting Day and will be posted on the website.
Water Leak at Front Entrance: The county is in the process of repairing the leaking water pipe at the entrance to McGregor Isles.
Community Bonfire: The Board voted to have a Community Bonfire on March 19th at the front lot. This will be a potluck, BYOB starting at 7pm. The chalkboard will be put at the front entrance 10 days prior and the event will be posted on the website.
The next Board Meeting will be held April 20th at the Stokes Marine Conference Room at 6:00pm.
6:50pm meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Wright, Secretary
McGregor Isles Homeowners Association