McGregor Isles Homeowners Association Minutes
Annual Homeowners’ Meeting
Saturday, January 28, 2017 – McGregor Isles Front Lot
President Dan Shannon called the meeting to order at approximately 10:05 am. In attendance were:
- Dan Shannon, President (Parkway Ct.)
- Willie Spalding, V.P. (Snow Dr.)
- Anne Wright, Secretary (Adele Ct.)
- Shane Wilson, Sign Chairman (Adele Ct.)
- Bryan Lich, IT Guy and Webmaster (Snow Dr.)
- Gordon Johnson, Treasurer (Snow Dr.)
- Brent Stokes, Past President (Snow Dr.)
In total, there were about 20 McGregor Isles Homeowners who attended the meeting, including Board Members.
President Dan Shannon introduced himself to attendees and gave a brief overview of how our association operates, what we offer to residents, and reminded everyone that we are a volunteer association. He then asked that everyone in attendance introduce themselves.
The biggest news of the year was the collection of dues. In past years, we have struggled to reach 30-35% community participation in the payment of HOA dues. In January and February 2016 we initiated a sign campaign with yard signs displayed by donors saying that they had paid their annual dues. The campaign apparently worked because we reached a record participation level of 50%. It was decided to continue with the signs this year; those in attendance collected theirs. We are encouraging residents to visit www.mcgregorisles.com to pay the $120 annual due (or whatever amount you are able) via PayPal. On the website there will be a list of participants by street along with instructions for picking up signs.
Other happenings this past year:
- Community Planting Day April 2016 – President Dan Shannon donated about 50 bushes to be planted along Prather Dr. Thanks to the efficiency and work ethic of one of his employees, the planting was completed before the designated start time! The bushes look great and are thriving!
- Cul-de-sacs – neighbors on several streets got together and spruced up their cul-de-sacs; Snow Dr. is an excellent example. Even though beautifying the cul-de-sacs helps the entire neighborhood, it seems that the most effective way to get it done is for neighbors to tackle the project street by street, donating their own time and effort.
- Another ongoing concern that was brought up was the lack of consistent rules for McGregor Isles governing the parking of boats, rv’s etc. At one point, the neighborhood did have deed restrictions, however, those lapsed and now we would need 80% of residents to vote to implement rules and restrictions making it a mandatory HOA.
- Treasurer Gordon Johnson gave an overview of McGregor Isles financials and due to the phenomenal participation this past year, we are currently in a surplus. Gordon also reviewed what is covered by our dues: the entry sign, maintenance of the entry boulevard, the front lot, the sprinkler system and water, also liability for the front lot. It was then announced that Gordon will be retiring from the Treasurer position and we would welcome a replacement. Thank you Gordon for your service and attention to detail!
- On behalf of Marc and Sara on Prather, we discussed the issue of speeding cars on that street. It seems to be a constant problem and ideas were brought up to slow drivers down – speed bumps, speed limit signs, “watch for children” signs, etc. Dan volunteered to call the county to inquire about speed limit signs for the neighborhood. By the way, Marc and Sara just became new parents so Congratulations!
- Shane Wilson, Sign Chairman, and neighborhood Realtor gave an overview of the local real estate market. There are currently 11 homes on the market in McGregor Isles with 7 being sold in the past year (not including 1 or 2 FSBO’s). The market has been stabilizing over the past year and as always, if you price it right, they will sell!
- On a side note, a neighborhood resident’s visiting friend accidently left their cell phone on top of their car and drove off. So if anyone finds an LG phone, please contact the Board and we will get it back to its rightful owner.
The Board’s next meeting will be an OPEN Meeting! Please join us. We are also looking for new people to get involved in our community and help shape our future! The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 6:00pm at the Stokes Marine Conference Room (northeast corner of McGregor Blvd and College Pkwy). Hope to see you there!
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Wright, Secretary
McGregor Isles Homeowners Association